Scott Glasel

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I love music and have been in love with sound since I was a kid.

In the 60′s, I wanted to be the Beatles. (Who didn’t!) In the 70′s, I wanted to be Emerson, Lake and Palmer. And the closest I could get to the music scene was working under the wing of The Sound Guy (aka Richard Hilton) from the Joe Rush Band in Hallandale Florida. Together for a year and half, we battled the room, the sound, the lights and the technology five-nights a week at various rock clubs through out South Florida.

Then came an interlude of several short stops at higher education institutes where music recording and synthesis were taught on “theoretical” basis. My major was experimental composition.

In the 80′s, I had my own bands and no longer aspired to be like “anyone else.” Instead, I aspired to be rich and famous via making the coolest sounding music that would become an international hit. (That dream is still yet to be realized. ) A series of happenstances led to a job at at the world’s most amazing recording studio at that time – the legendary Middle Ear (aka the Bee Gees studio).

From 1985 to 1993, I made music with Barry, Maurice and Robin Gibb as an engineer and member of thier production team at the near-mythical Middle Ear Studio. I entered the studio as an assistant engineer and left 8 years later as chief recording engineer / studio manager, with many stories and the privilege of recording renowned music talents such as Diana Ross and the late great Michael Jackson. I collaborated on several songs as drum programmer and synthesist. In The lull after the Bee Gees I went to work as the florida Product guy for Digidesign. I was part of the delivery team that launched ProTools 3

After the Bee Gees, I headed to Hollywood and eventually became a Product Specialist for AMS-NEVE, the famed Neve DFC Console and now the industry-standard NEVE 88R Console. As a Product Specialist, I installed over 15 multi-million dollar consoles at Disney, Warner Brothers, Fox, Todd-AO and Skywalker Ranch. I trained Oscar-winning film re-recording mixers on the state-of-the-art software and hardware.

I could not have imagined it then but this was one of the jobs I enjoyed the most. I got to play with the world’s best sound equipment and worked with some of the most talented professionals at some of the most technically advanced studios on the planet. 

I am proud to say that many of the upgrades of these products included features that I recommended based on my field experience and hands-on product testing.

My official resume states that I am a master recording engineer, music producer and songwriter with over 30 years of experience in the music recording industry and expertise with wide range of world-class equipment, software and audio systems. But the heart of the matter is that I am really still that kid who is fascinated by everything having to do with sound. I am just older, wiser, fatter and have more knowledge and history.

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Middle Ear Secretary Not rated yet
Yes. I would love to contact the secretary who worked at Middle Ear. Thank you. Debra Rose

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