AMPEX 354 Recorder/Reproducer

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AMPEX Model 354 Operating Manual

The AMPEX Series 354 Magnetic Tape Recorder/Reproducers are high quality precision instruments designed for the professional user who requires the finest and most faithful recording and reproduction.

A basic recorder/reproducer in the 354 series consists of a tape transport for operation at tape speed pairs of 3-3/4 inches per second (ips) and 7-1/2 ips or 7-1/2 and 15 ips; a two-track head assembly for use with the 1/4-inch magnetic tape. The electronic assembly consists of a single chassis on which is mounted an etched board subassembly containing two record amplifiers, two reproduce amplifiers, a bias and erase oscil lator, and the power supply — all featuring etched board construction. On the face panel, facilities are available for setting record levels, selecting high or low speed equalization circuitry, and switching output circuitry. Visual monitoring of reproduce and record levels is provided by the two vu meters on the face panel. Two phone jacks for aural monitoring are provided on the face panel. Power on-off is controlled at the front of the assembly. A control for the record function, signified by accompanying indicator lights, and a record channel selector completes the front panel arrangement.

On the back panel of the electronic assembly chassis are all connecting and inter-connecting provisions for power input, line input, line output, power to the tape transport, and head connections. Two screw-type fuse posts are also provided on the chassis back panel.

CCIR equalization can be obtained on request when ordering equipment.

Several mounting arrangements are offered — console, two case portable, and rack mount.

In the portable equipment, one case contains the tape transport and the other houses the electronic assembly.

Foundational text courtesy of AMPEX Corporation.

AMPEX 354 Tape Machine

AMPEX 354 viewed in it's studio console.

AMPEX 354 Tape Machine

- A fine example of the, Studer-AMPEX hybrid, craftsmanship and ingenuity of Larry Janus. You haven’t heard anything until you've listened to 1/2" tape via a Studer A-80 transport coupled with AMPEX 354 electronics! - Photo courtesy of Larry Janus

AMPEX 354 Tape Machine

AMPEX 354 viewed as a portable 2-channel magnetic recorder/reproducer.

AMPEX 354 Tape Machine

- Lou Waxman in Studio A at Columbia Studios New York, NY. Note the assortment of 354 decks using 300 series transports. - Photo courtesy of George Schowerer

AMPEX 354 Tape Machine

- Columbia Recording Studios New York, NY - Remix Studio with inclusive Ampex 354-4 1/2" Tape Transport. Photo courtesy of George Schowerer.

AMPEX 354 Tape Machine

- Ampex 354-2 1/4" deck rackmounted.

Ampex Model 354 Tape Machine

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Still Current !!! Jazz artists still love the vacumn tube "warm" sound ! 
My name is David M. Balog . From the years of 1974 to 1986 , I managed a small electronics lab in Largo, Florida , called Mektron. This lab was owned by …

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My name is Mitch Marcus. I just found this website, and was scrolling down when I found the picture of Lou Waxman. I am pretty sure I own the machine nearest …

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