Former Engineer, Audio Recording Studios, Cleveland, Ohio

by Brian Telzrow
(Sagamore Hills, Ohio USA)

While attending the A.E.S. Convention in either 1974 or 1975, I encountered Jack Mullin and his "history of recording" display. I must have been there for at least 15 minutes, while Jack took me through the display, patiently commenting on each item.

We came to his Ampex 400 display, and I mentioned that I had one, and commented that I used it nearly every day. He replied that the unit on display had once belonged to Judy Garland. It had a plaque attached that said it had been purchased from Bing Crosby Enterprises. The unit was solenoid-operated, as was the one about which I was speaking. I also had a similar machine with the mechanical top-plate.

To this day I am pleased to have met Jack, and that he spent so much time with me.

I do most of my monitoring with 6V6-powered Ampex 620 amplifier-speakers, but that's another story.

Brian Telzrow

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