Gordon L. Clark was born in Quito, Ecuador, of American parents, and speaks fluent Spanish. Gordon studied electronics at the Norwich Tele-communications School, Norwich, England and at Columbia University. His experience includes engineering operations at Gotham Recording Studios, the French Boradcasting System (Chief Engineer), Allegro Sound Studios (Chief Engineer), and is currently Chief Engineer at Stea & Phillips.
Since 1962 he has collaborated with Mr. Stea in the design and development of Syntro components, as well as having established a reputation as one of the leading sound recording engineers in the industry. Foundational text courtesy of the Stea & Phillips prospectus. Photos courtesy of George Schowerer.
- Gordon Clark with the Columbia Studios, Nashville Console - Photo cortesy of George Schowerer
- Gordon Clark with the Columbia Studios, Nashville Console - Photo Courtesy of George Schowerer
- Gordon Clark trobleshooting the Columbia Studios, Nashville Console - Photo Courtesy of George Schowerer
- Gordon Clark trobleshooting Columbia, Nashville cosnole - Photo Courtesy of George Schowerer
- Gordon Clark standing in Studio - Photo Courtesy of George Schowerer
- Gordon Clark and Joe Venneri buying electronic components - Photo Courtesy of George Schowerer
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