Peter Lee

by Peter Lee
(Watford, United Kingdom)

My late father was Frank Lee, as mentioned in the article. Unfortunately I was very young at the time but we actually moved to Nederland when Olive sent my dad there and lived there until late 1975.

We had only moved to Montreal a few months earlier but I do remember in that time dad did make a business trip to Paris (I think to a studio in a Château)

Peter Lee
I'd love to see if dad is in any of those pictures that Wayne Jones scanned in, dad was never as happy as talking about his time there and whilst he retained a bitterness towards Guercio for not helping him to get a Green Card,the Olive console was, until the day he died, something he claimed was 20 years ahead of its time and superior in every way to the Neve.

As a side point, has anyone ever linked the "Caribou Sound" to the 2400m altitude?

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