Prof. John Sisti

by John Sisti
(Santa Monica CA USA)

My understanding (I believe the story is told by Les Paul in a documentary, possibly "Chasing the Sound") is that Colonel Ricky Ranger brought a tape recorder he had "liberated" from Germany to a personal hero Les Paul and that Les brought that recorder to Bing Crosby. Supposedly Bing took that machine to Ampex and commissioned them to build a number of those machines. Supposedly he brought the first machine back to Les who ordered another head which he mounted on his machine. This allowed him to invent sound on sound recording.

I have also read that Signal Corps Captain John Mullin demonstrated the first recorder to the San Francisco Institute of Radio Engineers in May of 1946 and to Bing Crosby in June. That is also said to be how Ampex got into the tape recording business.

Perhaps you might find more history on these two stories.

Prof. John Sisti

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Dec 04, 2015
Thank you
by: Anonymous

Interesting information:

I worked with Jack Mullin at Bing Crosby Enterprises and 3M, Mincom on their first machines. and then overseas with Mincoms instrumentation recorders.

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