Comments for Some pics of New River Studio Personel

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Mar 24, 2024
by: Curt

Remember meet Extreme there 🤘🏻.. Thre sides to every Story!

Aug 08, 2022
New River - Jim Thomas
by: Connie Nassios

I was happy to see this pic of Jim Thomas at New River. He was the sound guy for our band - Aureus. Would love to get in touch with him - do you have any contact info?


Sep 22, 2014
I would love to find out more about New River
by: Evens1

I would love to find out more about New River. Pictures of the room and maybe a list of some of the work there would be fantastic.


Mar 09, 2013
New River Studio - Photos
by: Chris Juried

Im going to dig a bit deeper for more pics of New River Studios. I may have a MIX magazine or REP magazine with the original article, of the studio opening, back in the early 80's. Have you found any others, Riley?



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